C1 - Instructions

Instructions for chapter 1: “Getting Started”


In this chapter you will

To meet this chapter’s learning objectives, please complete the respective exercise sheet. The instructions below will guide you through the process of solving the exercise sheet.

First Steps

Step 1

Watch the following YouTube Video: Why you should use R

Step 2

If you are using Windows, watch the following YouTube Video: Install R and RStudio for Windows

If you are using Mac, watch the following YouTube Video: Install R and RStudio for Mac

Comment: If you have R and R Studio already installed on your computer, you can skip this and the next step.

Step 3

Install R and R Studio on your computer.

Step 4

Watch the following YouTube Video: Introduction to RStudio

Step 5

Open RStudio by yourself.

Step 6

Briefly check out the exercise sheet for chapter 1 to get an impression of what you need to learn/know to solve it.

R as a calculator

Step 7

Watch the following YouTube Video: R as a calculator

Step 8

Download and open the R -Script template to insert your solutions in RStudio: C1 - R Script Template

Comment: To download a file like the R script template from the SSRC website, just make a right click on the respective link and then select “save target as…” / “Ziel speichern unter…”.

Step 9

Solve Task 1-4 of the exercise sheet.

Basic R programming

Step 10

Do the “Programming Basics” Tutorial: Programming Basics

Comment: It is not important that you understand every single detail in the tutorial. Rather try to grasp the main messages and basic concepts. Right now the most important subchapters are ‘Objects’, ‘Vectors’, ‘Types’ and ‘Lists’.

Step 11

Finish exercise sheet 1 and save the solution on your computer.

Step 12

Compare your solutions to the sample solution for exercise sheet 1.

Additional Resources

Website: R as a calculator -> Nice overview of the most important mathematical and logical operators

Cheat Sheet: Base R -> Great overview of a large set of relevant R commands