C6 - Exercise Sheet

Here you find the exercise sheet for chapter 6: “Functions and Loops”

Getting ready

Task 1

Create an R project for solving this Exercise Sheet.

Task 2

Download the csv-file SSRC_data.csv and the R script SSRC_C6_template.R and put it in the R project folder you created in Task 1.

Task 3

Open the SSRC_C6_template.R R Script.

Task 4

Load the tidyverse package.

Task 5

Use the read.csv() command to load the SSRC data into R and call the respective data object SSRC_data.

Task 6

Get a first impression of the dataset by checking out the dataset using the str() command.

Task 7

Transform the three categorical variables in the dataset into factor variables. Make sure that the levels of the physical_activity_level and education_level variables are ordered in a reasonable way.


Task 8

Estimate a linear regression model with bmi as dependent variable and all other variables in the SSRC data set as independent variables. Call this model lm_mod.

Task 9

Create a data frame with one observation including the four variables: age, gender, education_level and physical_activity_level. The observation is a female person of age 45 who features a medium level of education and a medium level of physical activity. Call this data frame SSRC_data_new.

Task 10

Use the lm_mod model to predict the bmi for the new observation described in Task 9.

Task 11

Build a function that enables a convenient bmi prediction for a particular set of covariables.

The prediction should be based on the same model that you estimated in Task 8.

Arguments of the function should be a data frame called data_input (default: SSRC_data) and the four variables age_input (default: 45), gender_input (default:“female”), education_input (default: “medium”) and physical_input (default = “medium”).

Call the function bmi_pred_funct.

Task 12

Run the bmi_pred_funct function with its default values.

Task 13

Use the bmi_pred_funct function to predict the bmi of a male person of age 59 who features a low level of education and a low level of physical activity.


Task 14

Use the bmi_pred_funct to predict the bmi for 5 female persons that are 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years old. All of them feature a medium education level and a medium physical activity level.

Task 15

Do the exact same thing as in Task 14 but this time you should use a for loop to do so.

Task 16

Do the exact same thing as in Task 15 but this time you save the results of each iteration in a vector called bmi_predictions. Check out the content of this vector after creating it.


In the following tasks we always focus on the bmi prediction for a person that features the default values of our bmi_pred_funct function. We call such a person “default person”.

Task 17

Use our bmi_pred_funct function to check out the prediction for our default person.

Task 18

Use the sample_n() command from the dplyr package to draw a random sample (n = 1000) with replacement from our original SSRC dataset. Call this sample SSRC_data_bootstrap.

Task 19

Apply bmi_pred_funct to the SSRC_data_bootstrap dataset to predict the bmi of our default person.

Task 20

Use a for loop to repeat what you did in tasks 18/19 1000 times. Store the results in a vector called bmi_pred_boot. Check out the bmi_pred_boot vector.

Task 21

Create a histogram to analyse the distribution of bmi_pred_boot vector. (Just use hist() from the base R package)

Task 22

Calculate the mean, standard deviation and the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles for the bmi_pred_boot vector.