C3 - Instructions

Instructions for chapter 3: “Data Manipulation”


In this chapter you will learn how to

To meet this chapter’s learning objectives, please complete the respective exercise sheet. The instructions below will guide you through the process of solving the exercise sheet.

Getting ready

Step 1

Briefly check out the exercise sheet for chapter 3 to get an impression of what you need to learn/know to solve it.

Step 2

Watch the following YouTube Video: Import Packages and Load Data

Step 3

Solve tasks 1-6 of the exercise sheet.

The mutate() command

Do the “mutate” subchapter of the “Deriving Information with dplyr” tutorial: Deriving Information with dplyr

Step 4

Read the following recipe of the posit cloud: The mutate() command

Solve task 7 of the exercise sheet.

Manipulating variables

Step 5

Watch the following Video:
Data Types

Solve tasks 8-11.

Step 6

Watch the following Video: Rename Variables

Solve task 12.

Step 7

Watch the following Video: Create Categorical Variables

Solve task 13.

Step 8

Compare your solutions to the sample solution for exercise sheet 3.

Additional Resources

Cheat Sheet: Work with factor variables -> Great overview on how to work with factor variables in the tidyverse context