Instructions for chapter 6: “Functions and Loops”
In this chapter you will learn how to
To meet this chapter’s learning objectives, please complete the respective exercise sheet. The instructions below will guide you through the process of solving the exercise sheet.
Briefly check out the exercise sheet for chapter 6 to get an impression of what you need to learn/know to solve it.
Solve task 1-7 of the exercise sheet.
Comment: Tasks 4-7 are identical to tasks 4-7 from the Chapter 4 and 5 exercise sheets. To save time, you could copy and paste from the respective solution.
Read the following blog post:
Solve tasks 8-13 of the exercise sheet.
Comment: Many of the things you need to solve these tasks were taught in chapter 5 of the SSRC.
Watch the following video: For Loops
Solve tasks 14-16 of the exercise sheet.
Watch the following video: Bootstrap Basics
Solve tasks 17-22 of the exercise sheet.
Compare your solutions to the sample solution for exercise sheet 6.