Instructions for chapter 4: “Data Visualization”
In this chapter you will learn how to create plots with the ggplot2 package (part of the tidyverse).
To meet this chapter’s learning objectives, please complete the respective exercise sheet. The instructions below will guide you through the process of solving the exercise sheet.
Briefly check out the exercise sheet for chapter 4 to get an impression of what you need to learn/know to solve it.
Solve Tasks 1-7 of the exercise sheet.
Watch the following YouTube Video: An Introduction to Data Visualization
Do the “Exploratory Data Analysis” tutorial: Exploratory Data Analysis
Read the “Exploratory Data Analysis” chapter of the R4DS book: Exploratory Data Analysis
Solve task 8 of the exercise sheet.
Read the following introduction to bar plots: Bar Charts
Do the “Bar Charts” tutorial: Bar Charts
Comment: It is sufficient if you focus on the subchapters “Bar Charts” and “Aesthetics”.
Solve tasks 9-10 of the exercise sheet.
Read the following introduction to bar plots: Histogramms
Do the “Histograms” tutorial: Histograms
Comment: It is sufficient to focus on the subchapter “Histograms”.
Solve tasks 11-12 of the exercise sheet.
Watch the following Video: Density Plots
Solve tasks 13-14.
Watch the following Video: Boxplots
Solve task 15.
Watch the following Video: Scatter Plots
Solve task 16.
Watch the following Video: Smoother
Solve task 17.
Watch the following Video: Draw Lines
Solve Task 18.
Compare your solutions to the sample solution for exercise sheet 4.
Cheat Sheet: Data Visualization -> Nice overview on how to make plots with ggplot2
If you want to make your graphs more beautiful and understandable (e.g add a title, change colours), the following resources are recommended: