C7 - Instructions

Instructions for chapter 7: “R Markdown”


In this chapter you will learn what R Markdown is and how you can use it to create a reproducible report with it.

To meet this chapter’s learning objectives, please complete the respective exercise sheet.

The structure of this chapter is somewhat different from the preceding chapters. Please do not get confused by that and just follow the instructions below.

Getting ready

Step 1

Briefly check out the exercise sheet for chapter 7 to get an impression of what you need to learn/know to solve it.

Step 2

Solve Tasks 1-2 of the exercise sheet.

R Markdown

Step 3

Watch the following video: Intro to R Markdown

Solve Tasks 3-4 of the exercise sheet.

Step 4

Compare your solutions to the sample solution R-Markdown file that can be downloaded via the following link: C7 - R Markdown Solution

Additional Resources