Here you find the sample solution for the exercise sheet of chapter 1
Use R to do the following calculations:
\(5 + 3 = ?\)
\(3 - 8 = ?\)
\(5 * 7 = ?\)
\(9 : 6 = ?\)
\(7^2 = ?\)
\(exp(5) = ?\)
\(log(9) = ?\)
\(5,56 + 4,73 = ?\)
### Solve the calculations
# 1
[1] 8
# 2
[1] -5
# 3
[1] 35
# 4
[1] 1.5
# 5
[1] 49
# 6
[1] 148.4132
# 7
[1] 2.197225
# 8
5.56 + 4.73
[1] 10.29
Assign a variable x the value of 5 and a variable y the value of 3.
# Variable x
x <- 5
# Variable y
y <- 3
Create the variable z as the product of x and y and in a next step check the value of z.
# Create z by multiplying x and y
z <- x*y
# Check z
[1] 15
Run the code line below:
# Run
w <- ((((25*(-13))/0.753))^2)*(-0.000466)
Use logical operators to check the following things:
# Is w exactly equal to 100?
w == 100
# Is w unequal to 50?
w != 50
[1] TRUE
# Is w smaller than 0?
w < 0
[1] TRUE
# Is w smaller or equal to -1?
w <= -1
[1] TRUE
# Is w larger than -70?
w > -70
# Is w larger or equal to -100?
w >= -100
[1] TRUE
Create a vector that contains the numbers 21, 28, 31, 23 and 45 and call this vector bmi.
# Create bmi vector
bmi <- c(21, 28, 31, 23, 45)
Create a vector that contains the words “subject_1”, “subject_2”, “subject_3”, “subject_4” and “subject_5” and call this vector names.
# Create names vector
names <- c("subject_1", "subject_2", "subject_3", "subject_4", "subject_5")
Check the types of the bmi and names vector.
Combine the two vectors names and bmi in a list and call this list bmi_data. Check out the content of this list by calling it.
# Combine the bmi and names vector in list called bmi_data
bmi_data <- list(names, bmi)
# Call the list
[1] "subject_1" "subject_2" "subject_3" "subject_4" "subject_5"
[1] 21 28 31 23 45